Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Late-breaking news

I apologize to all of you who are following my blog, that I haven't posted anything in awhile.  I did pick up my quilt (Janelle's graduation gift), and I had the binding on it before last week's meeting.
I also took my blocks that I am making for the two "Block of the Month" sets I'm working on.  You can see pictures of some of them on Michael's blog: quillsandquilting.blogspot.com .  Michael asked me to post the link for the site where I got the patterns for those blocks/quilts, so I'm doing that:  www.floridacabinfever.com.  The two years I'm using are 2009 (the Amish blocks) and 2011 (the black and white and pink).
While we worked and visited, we discussed going out to eat together for our final meeting on July 27, so here's the plan:  We will meet at Red Fortune in Bonner Springs at 1:00 p.m. on July 27, and those who want to will go to "Next-Door Quilting" afterwards to talk to Cathy Graney, see how quilting takes place, and leave quilt tops with her to quilt, if desired.  I will check with her to make sure she will be available.  (NOTE:  The time will be 1 p.m., rather than the usual 2 p.m.)
When I see you tomorrow, I will have just returned from my family reunion and "Sisters' Quilting Retreat.  I look forward to seeing you then!


  1. I am hoping to see some quilts or pics that you ladies worked on!

  2. Michael, I was so busy sewing that I didn't get any pictures taken! I realized later that I had NOT ONE photo to show for my time! However, Linda took some, and maybe she will bring that with her.
