Saturday, September 3, 2011

Two down, ? to go?

I stayed up last night until the laptop bag was FINISHED!  I like it, but I'm glad it's done!  I doubt that I would agree to make one for someone else -- it was pretty labor-intensive.  There are pictures, and they probably don't need any captions!

This morning I got busy and sewed the binding on my Sudoku quilt.  This was quick and easy, and I'm posting a couple of pictures of that

I tried to rotate this picture, but couldn't!  Tip your head to the left, and you'll get the idea!

So this afternoon I should get my quilts for Den and Graysen back from the quilter in Arkansas, and then I'll have THREE ready to put binding on:  Becca's robot quilt, and the two for the boys.  It must be time to start another project!