This is the "Barn Raising" pattern, in mostly greens & browns, with a little red added for fun. This quilt will be about 40" X 40" when finished. |
This pattern is "Streak of Lightning," the the quilt will be about 30" X 40." The dominant color is blue, in various shades. |
This is a "Diamond" pattern, and I'm not sure I have it laid out the way I meant it to be! There are reds and pinks, and it will be 30" X 30" when finished. |
This design is called "Fields and Furrows," and I used mostly purples and pinks. This quilt will be 25" X 30," so it will probably be about the right size for a table topper. |
This is the "Pinwheel" design, and it is primarily green, with a purple center. The finished quilt will be 30" X 30."
These quilts are the result of my annual "Sisters' Quilting Retreat," which took place this year in McPherson, KS. Each of us brought (approx.) 200 squares: 100 light and 100 dark, 6-inch squares. These were all laid out on two tables, and then we each chose 100 light and 100 dark squares, not necessarily the ones we had brought. A light square was paired with a dark square, and they were sewn together on the diagonal and then cut apart, pressed, and squared to 5 1/2" squares. After doing all this, the fun began!
We had talked about making quilts to donate to charities/causes we have interest in, so each of us will do that on our own. Instead of making one HUGE quilt, I decided to make several smaller ones. I will keep one as a memento of the retreat, and I will give the others away as I have occasion to do so. I've already designated Janelle's WACCC group (Women & Children Combat Cancer) to receive one, and I will also donate one to Mount Hope Sanctuary in McPherson.
I'm going to try something Connie introduced us to at the retreat -- "quilt as you go." I have purchased batting and adhesive, so when I have sewn the squares into rows, I will begin adding the rows, one at a time, to the batting/backing layers. I'll have to write about that process another time!
I have one sister, so the sister quilting bee makes me jealous. I would love to have a family thing that we worked on like this in my own family. I can see some of my aunts doing this with me, but I live so far away from them. I like that you are able to set aside time for you and your sisters to get together. These all look very fabulous. When I was in Springfield, the big thing was making quilts for Joplin. Donation quilts might be something I consider when I get better though.