Saturday, August 13, 2011


I got a call Thursday from Cathy, saying my Robot Quilt (for Becca) is ready to be picked up!  So Friday (after a GRUELING first day of school!), I went to pick it up.  I looks great -- now all I have to do is add the binding!  I'll be working on that soon -- probably on some of the evenings I am home taking care of Destiny & Jocelyn while Melyssa is in class.
I also picked up Michael's first quilt, and it looks very nice!  Cathy was impressed with the fact that he made it, and she is also looking forward to seeing his future projects.  When Michael and I talked today, we discussed the fact that his next "lesson" will need to be about adding binding to a quilt.  We'll have to arrange an after-school time to work on that!
While I was there, I chose thread for my Mary Engelbreit/Sudoku quilt.  I'm very anxious to see that one completed, since it will be the ONE quilt from the summer that I will keep for myself!  It's also one that I figured out on my own, so it's more "original" than anything I've done before.
I did journey up to the 3rd floor on Thursday to see CJ's work.  She has completed the quilt tops for both of her daughters, and I really like the variety of styles she came up with.  (I'm sorry I didn't take pictures to post, but you can go to Michael's blog  She is working on "free-motion" quilting, and that looks AWESOME!!!  I was especially impressed with how deliberate she is about practicing and working the leaf into her stipple design.  These quilts will be special treasures for her girls!

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