Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Two steps forward?

I finished one donation quilt, using the quilt-as-you-go technique Connie taught us in July.  It was quite simple, and it made me happy to see how nicely it worked!  This quilt (table-topper) will be raffled off at an event in McPherson, KS -- Women & Children Combatting Cancer.  I have four more to finish now.

I have two quilts waiting for binding:  Becca's robot quilt and my Sudoku quilt.  So what do I do?  Of course -- I started another project!
After receiving my new MacBook Air from USD 500 last Wednesday, I decided I wanted to make a quilted bag for it.  I don't want to buy a pattern, and I don't think I need one, but I decided to start by making a "quilt-as-you-go" piece to work with, rather than going out and buying pre-quilted fabric!
The pictures show the progress I've made so far (by Weds., Aug. 31).
These are the fabrics I decided to use:  the turquoise background with starbursts will be predominant, with the strips of flowers on beige and navy and tone-on-tone beige interspersed.  The brown with typed letters will be the backing.

This is the quilted piece I ended up with.  I sewed two strips together (watching carefully the order, etc.), and then I sewed those together as I quilted to the batting and backing.  Notice, it ended up being strip sets of seven, repeated in a way that made the turquoise four of the seven strips.  I'm pleased with the overall appearance of the "quilt."
This shows the quilted piece and the backing.  I will also use some of the backing fabric to make pockets inside the bag for the charger & cord, flash drive(s), and writing/marking utensils.  The quilted piece will make up the bag, with enough to make an individual compartment for the laptop.

Now all I need to do is figure out the gussets (sides) of the bag.  I want it to be quilted also, so I may have to quilt a little more.  Then I have to figure out the best way to join the gussets to the bag and the strap to the gussets.  I plan to use binding on the seams inside the bag so that there will be no raw edges on my finished bag.  More later -- hopefully it will be finished by Friday!

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