Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 27 - Finale!

Pam & Stan.

Michael, Michelle, & Glenna (showing her rotary cutter case).

Karri & Hannah

Diane & Linda

Pam & CJ (caught eating!)

Maria (proprietor of Red Fortune) stopped by to chat.

Could that be Glenna talking with her hands?

CJ  looks pleased to have a photo w/o food!

Cathy Graney was very gracious to allow us to invade her home/quilt shop!  This is the awesome machine she uses to quilt.

She actually demonstrated how the machine works by sewing a few stitches.

Michael & Karri browsed, while Hannah checked out the batting and lovely quilts Cathy has made to demonstrate various quilting patterns.

The "Millennium" long-arm quilting machine!

Again, the machine, with some finished quilts as background.  Cathy has many quilts she has made available for customers to view, as they make their pattern and thread selections.

Cathy taught us a little about how her long-arm machine works.
We met at Red Fortune in Bonner Springs for a delightful lunch, and then we drove to Cathy Graney's (Next-Door Quilting) for a demonstration of long-arm quilting.  Michael & I were happy to leave quilt tops with Cathy to be quilted, and Cathy very kindly allowed us to look around and ask questions!  I think we were all happy to understand a little better the process involved in having our quilts completed.
We missed having Betty with us, who is already back at work :(.  Also, Cindy couldn't join us today because of some (important) business with her husband.  We agreed that this has been an excellent adventure -- time will tell if we are able to continue once school starts!

1 comment:

  1. This was such a great way to spend the last quilt day together. Food always brings family and friends closer, especially at a round table. It also had me thinking wouldn't it be nice if we each brought a block to make a Sumner Quilter quilt that we could display at school?
